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Lawrence Trades District Development Plan 2021

The 2021 Lawrence Trades District Development Plan outlines critical infrastructure and renovations to transform the gateway point of Lawrence, Indiana at 465 and Pendleton Pike.

Parks & Recreation Master Plan

The 2020 update of the City of Lawrence’s Parks and Recreation Master Plan will identify projects and programs for improving the City’s public recreational opportunities. The City updates this Plan every five years in order to keep the document relevant to the community as well as maintain eligibility for State funding.

The planning process got underway in March 2020, and is expected to wrap up by September. There might be adjustments as we adapt our public involvement process to the requirements of social distancing!

In general terms, the process will involve several steps:

  • We will be examining the existing parks and recreation system available in the City, determining their condition, and identifying areas for improvement. We will be relying heavily on the public’s perception of the parks system in developing this assessment, as well as conducting field reviews of all of the parks and park facilities.
  • We will also develop goals and objectives for the maintenance, expansion, and operation of the parks and recreation system. Again, the viewpoints of the public will be critical in identifying the ways in which the system needs to grow.
  • Projects and activities that address these goals will be developed with rough cost estimates, and will then be paired with available funding sources from the City for implementation.
  • From all of this information, a prioritized schedule for implementation will be developed, spanning roughly the next five years.
The City has retained a consultant, American Structurepoint, to help with the update process. Also, a steering committee has been formed to provide close community contact during all stages of the plan. This committee consists of residents, organizations, and employees within your community that will be useful in the development and implementation of the plan.

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